One year later

So it’s been almost one year exactly since my last entry in this blog, the last entry being on January 17th and now it being early in the morning of January 6th. And what progress have I made in faith, especially a personal experience of faith?
     Well for starters I put down the Book of Mormon, but not before I had some LDS sisters come visit me at my house on Bannock and explain their idea of faith and salvation.  Eh…it was fascinating, but not for me. They came for a good few months and gave me lessons. I very much enjoyed having them over, but in the end I declined going to their worship services and ultimately declined their offer of baptism. And so, that being that, my lessons with them ended and I eventually quit reading the Book of Mormon.
     I continued to pray as a Muslim and did find it rewarding, but eventually left that off as well. Then I  would read the Qur’an and pick it back up again. And so I am still praying as a Muslim, here and there, although not strictly 5 times a day, and I no longer feel guilty if I don’t pray everyday all day.  For a while I enrolled in some free classes given by Islamic Online University,  but in the end found that interpretation of Islam too constricting, and left that off. But I spent hours reading the Qur’an,  and enjoyed that very very much. I still read the Qur’an, and love it, although I don’t believe in a God who is going to send the disbelievers to eternal Hellfire for not being Muslim.  Thats not the God I choose to worship. I learned to mark up my Qur’an like I would a Bible, and quit being afraid if I didn’t become or practice a normal traditional Islam. I stopped guilting myself if I didn’t wear hijab, but instead decided to wear my own version of hijab, and now I love to cover my head and do so a little more than half the time. I have also told myself thats it’s okay if I pray in English,  which had been a big stumbling block in my faith and practice.
     But the biggest and most wonderful update has been my picking back up the Urantia Book and really reading it and getting into it and discovering what it says. And like the quotes I posted a whole year ago, I have found a personal living faith that I can live with, and a greatly enlargened concept of God and the cosmos that we live in. One of the most astounding concepts has been the discovery of the Thought Adjusters, a concept unique to the Urantia Book. I have started a study on the Urantia Book, some of which I will publish on this site. I have found the Urantia Book incredibly satisfying, and am hungry for more I have been reading it daily and not being shy to highlight and underline the parts that I feel teach , e something and which speak to me. I find something beautiful and new on almost every page, and it tastes so good.


  1. There is no experience as profound as personally discovering the truth about God. As Jesus said, “Seek and you will find. Ask and you will be answered. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.” That’s a promise as good as he is good.

  2. I am fascinated to hear about your personal faith journey from Islam, via LDS, to a personal relationship with God from The Urantia Book. I am an interfaith minister, and have also been a long time student of The Urantia Book. How did you find out about this book? Also, do you study the book with others, or by yourself?

  3. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog post, “Faith Journey.” Am myself a reader/student/believer of the contents of the Urantia Papers. Awesome knowledge revealed to us, and if it wasn’t for this Revelation, I don’t know how would have coped this side Forever and Beyond. All the very best with your reading 🙂

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